Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bitch, Someone?

Thank You, but no Thanks
I’m not here to convince you
Why I am the girl who you ought to
Watch with your indecent amusement
Your patronising lilt is not funny
I’m not here for your social reputation
And up yours with your money!

So what then?
I ‘m a bitch?
Because I will not fall in line
As you whistle and stand aside
In usual expectation
Oh well, welcome to a random deviation
Because if sticking up for what I believe   
And in trying to retrieve
My natural dignity
From your rubbished superiority complexes
Is being a little wily bitch
Oh such a boring cliché!

Your’re hating my tantrums with a vengeance
How you wish I would lower my eyes?
And tremble when you threaten consequences
Because I’m a natural when it comes to defy?
Your man made rules
How superficial!
You’re totally unreasonable in your demands
Bursting at your seams
What an infantile ego perched on the grand stand!
Mocking at my unshaved legs
Raising eye brows at my carefree gait
So surly because I also have needs
And not because I’m here just to please?!
I’ll be needing some artificial resuscitation
Because I’m fainting with despise
I can point you the door just right now
Because I’m not willing to pay the price
To tend to your giddy insecurities
I’m willing to wait for a real man
Meanwhile I’m busy not giving a damn
As you spit the venomous cliché
What a bitch! What a bitch!

So maybe I am bitch because I dare
Also because I openly care
For my friends even when they’re different
Openly flaunting my heart
And discovering my natural skill
At making most human mistakes
Such a bitch because I have the art
To ravish every natural temptation;
Scoring alpha in bitchiness quotient
With a loud mouth
Not even afraid to swear;
And perseverant to the point of madness
Bitch in being doggedly smart
You’ll be such a man if you’ll grudgingly accept
Being a perfect bitch is such an art

Ahoy! So what’s up with the cliché?
Masterminding my own business
I’m gonna just get by
Being who I am if it equals
In your world as being a bitch
Then worry for your world
Cause the bitches will arrive
With their warheads worn as labels
Premonition, did you have?
The warhead is code named Bitch
Such a cliché! Such a cliché!

Classic Me.

Someone just tried presenting me their observation of the ‘classic me’.

Nice try but it reminds me of the proverbial fool. Mostly because I am not fooled.

Peace talking, shoddy-sticky-gum-sweet-love songs singing, delusional excesses in verbal over familiarizing; giggling-feminine-nasal-preening-vomit-inducing-faux hysterics ain’t me.

Imbecile sweetness, naiveté, foolishly hopeful - someone’s sunshine, someone’s sushi, some mediocre nobody’s attempt to please - aint me.

Make believe innocent girlish charms, hallmark variety of gooey love verses, non ambivalence, no sense of danger, lack of sheer, indecent arrogance - aint me.

And I am grateful for it. 

And I need to thank so much for this.

Thank you Terror
Thank you Disillusionment
Thank you Fragility
Thank you Consequence
Thank you, thank you Silence
Thank you Clarity
Thank you Providence
Thank you Hysteria
Thank you Obsession
Thank you, thank you Silence
Thank you Self deprecation
Thank you Eternity
Thank you Malice
Thank you Hunger
Thank you, thank you Silence
Thank you Jealousy
Thank you Loneliness
Thank you Confusion
Thank you Madness
Thank you, thank you Silence
Thank you Obsession
Thank you Appreciation
Thank you Sadness
Thank you Enigma
Thank you, thank you Silence
Thank you Lunacy
Thank you Emptiness
Thank you Heartbreaks
Thank you Hurtfulness
Thank you, thank you Silence
Thank you Arrogance
Thank you Contempt
Thank you Vanity
Thank you Purity
Thank you, thank you Silence
Thank you Charisma
Thank you Perdition
Thank you Betrayal
Thank you Monstrosities
Thank you, thank you Silence
Thank you Atrocities
Thank you Hero worship
Thank you Banality
Thank you Nothingness
Thank you, thank you Silence
Thank you Excesses
Thank you Perversity
Thank you Depravity
Thank you Gullibility
Thank you, thank you Silence
Thank you Intemperance
Thank you Guilt
Thank you Violence
Thank you Sincerity
Thank you, thank you Silence
Thank you Anger
Thank you Danger
Thank you Insincerity
Thank you Adoration
Thank you, thank you Silence
Thank you Divinity
Thank you Decadence
Thank you Profanity
Thank you Mercy
Thank you, thank you Silence
Thank you Familiarity
Thank you Serenity
Thank you Shame
Thank you Dalliance
Thank you, thank you Silence
Thank you Desolation
Thank you Abandonment
Thank you Frivolity
Thank you Dignity
Thank you, thank you Silence
Thank you Preoccupation
Thank you Viciousness
Thank you Hope
Thank you Hopelessness
Thank you, thank you Silence
Thank you Knowledge
Thank you Perception
Thank you Caution
Thank you Ignorance
Thank you, thank you Silence
Thank you Commitment
Thank you Bohemia
Thank you Detachment
Thank you Entanglement
Thank you, thank you Silence
Thank you Provocation
Thank you Peace
Thank you War
Thank you Change
Thank you, thank you Silence

‘That’ is ‘Classic Me.’ :) 

*Not to mention, thank you, thank you Alanis Morissette

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Walking around in circles

Yea. So I quit the gym. Now I don't go to the gym anymore. I go to a park. I walk there. And its doing me world of good than going to that gym where I hated every minute of inhaling the pungent smell of sweat profusely covered up in sweet, sickening aroma of some synthetic room freshener.

Synthetic - is the operative word here.  Lack of organic.

I'm by nature a person very prone to various levels of claustrophobic that can heighten directly in proportion to how close I am to people I neither like or care about.

I hated the gym with every ounce of my being. I hated the sense of being intimately close to people - rushing ceaselessly on unmoving machines stacked up together. I hated how people made the unnerving small talk there. I hated the ghastly loud music that managed to disturb me more than relax me.

I hated it all. And what I hated the most was the rush. The rush to burn off calories, the constant monitoring - mostly self. I hated the repetitive sense of being somewhere that was making me nervous - pushing me. I hated the feel of slippery metal that had been in a very recent past grabbed at by hands I didn't wish to make any contact with.

So I simply quit. Against prevalent wisdom, I just did.

Now I go to a park. Its a nice park. It has a joggers track. And it has lots of green: foliage, shrubbery, trees, leaves and grass. I like the green.

I like walking in the park even though there are a lot of people around at all times. But these people don't make me uncomfortable. I can co-exist with them in the park at any given point of time.

The park is very different from the gym. Because the people in the park are different from the people I had to come in contact with at the gym.

The people in my park aren't in a rush. They just are. Like people, they are all around but they don't bear down on me. I can feel the sense of motion but its not bludgeoning. And there is a lack of proximity. No one comes close enough for me to want to back off in a corner and carve a hole through it to escape.

I see the people in park as forms. Forms that move. I don't stare at them too closely. I never pay attention to what they are doing. They don't give me the sense of heaving motion.

The people in my park don't race in countdowns of calories. They're in the park - just like me - being.

I love how there is so much green in the park. In the evening huge floodlights lighten the dark corners. But I love the dark corners anyway. They don't scare me.

I love the snaking, rebellious foliage, and the way it carves a way for itself everywhere. I love the huge trees tops that sit like a canopy of wilderness mounting my favorite dark corners. Right about the time of sunset, sunlight filters through these trees tops and falls through in beams creating flitting shadows on the ground.

If you stop what you're doing and look closely, you can see little shrubs shiver slightly in the cool fresh air and the shadows shiver with them too.

Even though I'm wearing my running shoes, I love the soft, squishy feel of the grass in the wet spots.  I like how I can kick up dust in places where the ground is tougher and grass is weakened.

What I love most about the park is that I can walk around in circles - huge big circles, all around the park - around a center - walking in circles is something of a comfort zone for me, metaphorically. Now when I do that in the park, as well, I only feel - comforted.

I'm just so glad I quit the gym - and went back to what I love most - organic.

I feel good. Much better. Thank you.


Friday, March 25, 2011

Talking - to the girl in the mirror

Hi Lookalike,

This is what we're NOT going to do.

--> Post old, much much previously written crap here. Sure, we both know, we were good. We were almost - *very* - good. But that's in the past, isn't it?

Now both you and I know, that we don't know. No nothing. If you can handle the joke: we're more barren than frickin' Sahara and we're getting stronger :)

So, this is what we ARE going to do.

--> We will begin with no sense. We'll just make sure we write it down. Because 'no sense' can last for only so long. Sooner than later the-no-sense will make some sense. And then maybe we can begin with putting ourselves back together.

So let's do it. You keep staring back at me through the mirror and I will keep avoiding you. But what we both know is that sometime, at some point in all this randomness - a weak, but reliable pattern will emerge.

Till such time - aimlessness is us. And we're okay.

10 Things

1. This blog may - oh fuck it - it *will* be replete with profanity. (Now's the time you get to throw a fit and mount your moral high horse, and... vamoose!)

2. If you're someone I don't like, you'll probably find your mention here somewhere. Can't promise if you'll be the same after that. But having know me, you must know, I'm simply *unable* to care.

3. I'm presently suffering from *Writer's Alzheimer's*. I used to write. And I was pretty darned good at it. And then I forgot it all.

These are *baby* steps. Please don't have me turn on the: *Pedophile alarm*!

4. I'm ok if you hate something, anything I write here. As long as *I* like you, it doesn't matter.

Please, please do !
5. I'm going to exert a lot of self control - and believe me that's what I am going to do. I will restrain myself from posting whacky pictures, nutty oneliners and 'S, said it!' quotations. That's what Facebook and Tumblr are for.

And when I do that - act like we've all won a prize. YOU WILL DO THAT if you care for me to get better. If not, WHO the hell are you, and WHY are you here anyway?!

6. I'm constantly in a bad mood. If you're happy-content-suffused-with-joy in anyway - I have a back door.

7. Bad poetry psyches me out. It's a bitch, I know. But it's *my* bitch.

8. I love an occasional blood bath. Blood-bath-lovers, invited !

9. If you wish to team up with me here for any sort of writing/collab, you're welcome :)

10. Random. *insert any rules of law @ a later point of time, expletive inclusive*