Monday, April 25, 2011


Its like you're homesick for a place that doesn't even exist.
Its like you're addicted to a story no one's even ever written.
It's like you're feeling ghost pains in a limb you've never lost.
It's like your're laughing at joke that wasn't meant to be one.
It's like you're trying to understand lies.
It's like you're trying to rationalize life.
It's like you're saying sorry for being who you are.
It's like you're seeking forgiveness for all the things others did wrong.
It's like you're stuck inside the pages of a book and can't find your way out.
It's like you're in a rabbit hole. But its just a road you've only traveled too much.
It's like you're original in being someone else's photo copied mistakes.
It's like you're being you best when you're being fake.

It's just plain darned freakishly disturbing. 

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